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Agriculture Field

The Name

The Charlton T. Lewis Elementary Latin Dictionary defines Consilium as a council, body of counselors, or deliberative assembly. defines “cōnsilium” ‎ (genitive cōnsiliī) as “Council” and lists the below as some of the possible meanings:

  • 1. advice; opinion or instruction given in directing the judgment or conduct of another.
  • 2. interchange of opinions as to future procedure; consultation; deliberation.
  • 3. deliberate purpose, plan; design.
  • 4. Obsolete; wisdom; prudence.

Our choice of the name is by design. It is embedded in our core work values. Our “Council” consists of international experts ready to respond to all the challenges placed on us by clients from throughout the world. defines “advisory” as a capacity to provide opinions and advice.

We are proud that our experts have diverse backgrounds in various industries. Our team is always dedicated to coming up with the best advice, insights, and solutions to direct you as an individual and your company toward your goals. We offer conclusions based solely on analyzing factual and accurate data. Our team has a strategic approach to any task, making sure to carefully assess and analyze all relevant areas and provide the best solutions for your problem.

The Logo

Our colors represent the geographies we cover as we bridge distances to and from the Middle East. This mandate is further reinforced with the underlaid Cardinal Directions Compass Rose. The employment of the Low Poly design in our logo plays to the:

  • - Structure of our processes
  • - Multi-cultural/multi-regional orientation
  • - Commitment to delivering agile and adaptive solutions to our clients.